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In line with our more than food initiative, Coventry foodbank has teamed up with Coventry Citizen’s Advice Bureau to deliver free and confidential drop-in advice sessions to foodbank clients attending foodbank centres with a voucher.

The advice covers issues such as benefits, budgeting, bedroom tax, sanctions and low income. Referrals can also be made to CAB specialist caseworkers or clients can be signposted to organisations which may be able to provide them with further support.

Since the project started in December 2014, we have been able to generate about  £343,000 back into the pockets of clients through increased benefit entitlement, sanction appeals, debt restructuring and social tariffs and 79% of clients who have gone on to further support through this project have had no reason to revisit the foodbank.

For further information or to volunteer please contact us on 075 2312 1122 or email us at [email protected]


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